Tuesday 8 April 2008

What the hell is gyrotronics???


News flash.

MSNBC reported once again that exercise is good for you. Someone call the ancient Greeks and Romans. They will be so happy to know we finally caught on.

MSNBC reported on August 22 that the new fad in exercise is called
Gyrotonics. Gyrotonics instructor Barbara Schwarz describes Gyrotonics as follows, "It's similar to Pilates only in the respect that it teaches you to work the core," Schwarz says. Whereas Pilates is more linear, Gyrotonics is spherical, with the equipment allowing for a 360-degree range of motion.

I don't want to sound like a killjoy but Gyrotonics is just the latest fad. The machine shown in the MSNBC story looks a lot like a wooden lat pulldown machine to me. I haven't tried Gyrotonics so I should reserve comment. I'm sure the Gyrotonics folks will tell us that the equipment is specially designed and allows the body to move in a unique way. Blah-blah-blah.

As for 360-degree range-of-motion, someone get Linda Blair on the phone. We may have found a neck exerciser for her. I just love these claims.

Bottom line. If you are doing Gyrotonics or yoga or Pilates and it gets you to the gym and gets you to work out, great. Keep it up. Please don't let my cynicism stop anyone from exercising. However, if you believe that Gyrotonics is the new answer to all your fitness needs, then, Houston, we have a problem.

This is a classic case of sales-driven BS. One client indicated that she needed to rebuild her strength but weight machines "felt horrible." Sorry. The thing I saw in the picture was a resistance device, a weight machine. My guess is the woman interviewed for the article either had an incompetent trainer or used the machines improperly. We don't blame cars for car accidents do we? Why do we keep blaming machines?